Saturday, September 22, 2012


I need my pen drive back!

Entah udah yang keberapa kali aku kehilangan flashdisk ku yang sangat berharga dan mulia. Mulai sedikit lebay ya... Maklumlah, korban tetap perkembangan jaman. Sedikit-sedikit lebay dan tak terlupakan satu kata "G.A,L.A.U". 
Enak banget jadi seorang anak kecil ya, dia selalu bisa untuk bertingkah lebay tapi ajaib ga kenal galau. Kalau lagi pengen sesuatu tinggal ngerengek lebay, pasti di penuhin permintaannya. Trus sakit sedikit juga di lebay-lebayin buat cari perhatian. Bisa pamer kelebay-an kapan saja dan dimana saja. Menurut pengalamanku beberapa tahun menyandang predikat sebagai seorang anak kecil aku selalu gembira dan senang, tiada duka kukenal tak kunjung (nyanyi deh).
Sekarang? BEDA.

Kembali ke topik semula Missing. Aduh jadi malu sama diri sendiri nih, teledornya tingkat dewa. Apa karena flashdisk itu benda yang imut-imut jadi gampang keselip dan di lupakan? Agh, no idea. Lain kali kalau punya flashdisk baru aku mau buat gantungan. Gantungannya pakai jangkar kapal perang biar afdol. Guarantee, ga akan pernah hilang karena emang ga bisa di bawa kemana-mana. 

Jadi oleng-oleng kepala ini mikirin data kuliah dan kantor yang lagi rawat inap di onyeng-onyeng flashdisk-ku yang rupawan itu. Ada lagu-lagu kesukaan yang berhasil di jarah dari berbagai laptop juga di dalam si onyeng-onyeng, Kenapa harus selalu hilang,coba? Buat galau aja. Mikirin kehilangan itu membuat aku sempoyongan. I won't let everything goes, it goes by the time coz nothing lasts forever. Unacceptable. Just to be strong in difficult times. (Sigh*)

Sama persis dengan ini nih fd-ku yang hilang :(

Besok ada 4 tugas yang harus laying down dengan manis di atas meja dosen, no printer at home artinya besok harus melenggang kangkung ke kopma. Ntar mindahin datanya pake sendok? Miris. Jangan lebay dong Ket,pliiss,,,masih ada kawan kalee yang bisa di pinjam flashdisknya. Hehe.. biasalah korban modernisasi sifat.

Sepertinya ingatanku harus bed rest total biar normal lagi. Satu minggu flashdisk yang kesekian ini hilang baru nyadar sekarang. Ckckck... Think-less rest more. Bobo aja otaknya sebentar terus untuk sementara waktu ganti otak refill atau hibernasi buat beberapa waktu. 
Next week i'll do my birthday's trip, i hope that moment could help relieves my brain, heart and soul. So tired God :'( 

I think this pic icon for Libra horoscope, why does the tear falls down? the eye is crying for missing.

I want these fd ^_^

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Wow Song

Make you feel my love

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows, and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your  tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I’ve know it from the moment
That we met no doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I’d go hungry, I’d go black and blue
I’d go crawling down the avenue
Know there’s nothing that  I wouldn’t do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
 the wind of change are blowing wild and free
you ain’t seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love

"Make You Feel My Love" is a song written by Bob Dyla that appeared on his 1997 album Time Out of Mind. It has since been covered by numerous performers, and has proved to be a commercial success for recording artists such as Billy Joel, Garth Brooks, Kelly Clarkson and Adele. The song was featured on the soundtrack of the 1998 film Hope Floats , directed by Forest Whitaker.

This song very special for me....
Some idea tells the lyric talking about the love of Jesus. No hesitate. Yeah, Jesus give us His greatest love but sometimes as an ordinary people we need more than what we had. I couldn't find very wonderful sacrifice looks like what Jesus did.

Another idea says this song explain about very beautiful love from me to you (me and you = > young lady to Mr.Right = girl to boy,,whatever) ;)

My idea? I tell you later.... ssttttt....
I haven't find idea yet, actually ;-)